Monday, July 4, 2011

The Privilege of Education

Later this week I will begin my service as an Advisor to the State Board of Education. I will pay great attention as the State Board Members discuss the policies and procedures that will guide Public Education in our great state. I will offer my opinion when appropriate and will do my best to serve the children of our state in this new role. For one year I have this remarkable opportunity before another will step up to take my place. During this year I will take great comfort in the words that appear on the wall over the Chairman of the State Board of Education. “The people have a right to the privilege of education, and it is the duty of the state to guard and maintain that right.” –Constitution of North Carolina, Article 1, Section 15.

This “privilege of education” resonates with me today as we celebrate Independence Day. Throughout my recent journey to China, I had the opportunity to experience how another country chooses to educate (or not) its young people. In our schools we still believe in the American Dream, that every child might one day be President if they work hard enough, make good choices, and try their best. It is decidedly American to believe that EVERY child deserves the very best education we can give them. This was not the case in China. I saw no Exceptional Children  (EC) children there. There were no Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to help students overcome obstacles in their lives. We were told that students had to test into schools. Those that did not make it were not admitted. This privilege of education seemed to be denied to some.  Not here. We seek to help every child reach their maximum potential. Every child is invited into the school to take advantage of this privilege. Our state guards and maintains their right to it. Even as our state leaders debate the cost and determine the allocations they will give, they do so knowing that it is a precious gift, this privilege of education.

It is a gift. It is a privilege. It is also something that is too often cast aside by some of our youth. While in China, I saw students who were pouring themselves into their studies. They listened with rapt attention as their teachers spoke. When called upon, they stood by their desks and responded respectfully. Though not all had access to the privilege of education, the ones that did seemed to be fully taking advantage of it. When I consider students who would walk away from a free, public education to drop out and condemn themselves to a life devoid of a high school diploma, my heart breaks. When I replay conversations with parents who say, “maybe that is best for them” or “I can’t do anything with them,” I am saddened. We put together new and inventive programs to increase our graduation rate. Our school’s graduation rate is higher than 96% and yet, still I worry about the ones who walked away, often with a multitude of poor choices on their disciplinary histories.

Still though, I remind myself that this is the beauty of America. We guard and maintain the right to the privilege of education, but we do not force anyone to take advantage of it. Our students and parents have the right to say, “thanks, but no thanks!” I served in the US Navy to help ensure their right to give up what has been give to them and I would not want to take that away from them. Our students must know how hard their peers around the world are working because they will compete with them for the best jobs. They must understand that they are given this amazing gift with which to conquer the future or drop on the wayside as they make their own way in the world sans education.

Education is a privilege. Being an educator is a privilege and one that I do not take lightly. I am honored to serve the State Board of Education as an Advisor and look forward to being on hand as this precious right to the privilege of education is guarded and maintained.


  1. May we, as Americans, continue to have a privilege mentality for the free education that is offered to our children. At the same time, may we be aware of China, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and how they educate their young minds. Great incite Mr. Jackson!

  2. Mr. Thomas:

    I clicked through to your website. Since you are the child of educators, you (and Mr. Jackson, since he makes the same claim of a "free, public education") no doubt know that the education offered by UCPS is in no way "free". The state and county confiscate the property of their productive citizens to pay for this "free" education.

    Just because you don't have to write a check to the school for tuition doesn't mean it's free!

    Not an original insight, but true nonetheless.
